4.4.22. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP 5 Minutes Of: 2L side shuffle 20 jumping jacks 5 down dog push ups 2L lateral lunges -then- 60s/60s banded chest...

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4.1.22. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP 30:15 x 4 walk out plank & reach + iso supermans *rest 60sec 20:10 x 4 jumping jacks + mountain climbers *re...

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3.28.22. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP 5 Minutes General Mobility -then- :60s/:60s pigeon pose :60s/:60s calve stretch ACTIVATION 2 Rounds of 30:15 SL ...

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3.25.22. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP :30s EA PVC pass throughs PVC alt hamstring PVC lateral flexion PVC ohs -then- 30:15 x 5 Rnds HR push ups Single...

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3.21.22. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP 10 Rounds (2 groups – 1st group goes, then 2nd) killers – 3 cones 5 HR Push UPs 5 Plate Accordion Crunches -...

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3.18.22. Renegade – Strength

*COACHES NOTE: Start workout on time as this workout may run a few minutes longer. Keep class tight for conditioning and...

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3.14.22. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP 2 Rounds of: junkyard dogs (10 + 10) 10 ea partner ab toss 20 supermans *Coaches note: junkyard dogs – partner...

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3.11.22. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP 2 Rounds of 1:00 minute work/:20 rest 1:00 singles 1:00 ladder high knees 1:00 plate sit-ups 1:00 ladder ickey s...

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3.7.22. Renegade – Strength

Warm Up 3 Rounds Of: 60s singles 60s sit ups 60s jog, back peddle, side shuffle (all 1 length) 60s wall sits Stretch 60s...

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3.4.22. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP 3 lengths high knees + 45 sec wall sit + 30 sec glute bridge 3 lengths butt kicks + 45 sec plank + 30 sec wide-o...

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