10.16.20. Renegade – Strength

Chipper Warm Up 50 singles 10 kb good mornings 10 down dog cobra 50 singles 5.5. rev. lunges 5.5. act. sampson 5.5. side...

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10.12.20. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP Line Drills :30 Ea + 5 reps after each line drill of: infant squats HR push ups KGSU MOBILITY 1:00/1:00 couch st...

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10.9.20. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP 5 Min General Mobility STRENGTH A. Series – 4 Rounds: 5 BB Power Snatch 10 DB Squat Jumps 4.4. 1/4 KB TGU ...

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10.5.20. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP Booty Bands x 2 Rounds: 2L lateral band walk 15 monster band squats 15 mb good mornings 20.20. clamshells MOBILI...

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10.2.20. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP 5 minute sled push relay -then- :90/90 t-spine floor trace 1:00/1:00 lat stretch 1:00/1:00 1/2 knee hip flexor s...

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9.28.20. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP (8 min) :30 singles + 2L high knee skip + 5/5 act. sampson :30 singles + 2L butt kicks + 5/5 wide step mountain ...

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9.25.20. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP 2 Rounds x :30 stations turf width side shuffle wall sits rower walk-out plank + reach MOBILITY :30 roll back v ...

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9.21.20. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP a. 30:15 x 3 rounds of: turf width side shuffle + kgsu rest 1:00 b. 20:10 x 3 rounds of: high knees in place + p...

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9.18.20. Renegade – Strength

Warm Up Round 1 – 30 of Ea:  Tube chops (per side) + knee grab sit ups + crunches with feet up Round 2 – 20 of Ea...

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9.14.20. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP 2 Rounds: :30 glute bridge :30 alt. SL squats :30 opp a/l raise -then- 5 Minutes General Mobility STRENGTH A. Se...

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