2.10.20. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP 2 Rounds: 12 glute bridges 8/8 bird dogs 10 supermans MOBILITY 1:00/1:00 lying figure 4 1:00 Childs pose STRENGT...

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2.7.20. Renegade – Strength

WARM-UP 3 Rounds: 15 hollow rocks 10 kb good-mornings 6 russian pushups -then- 3 Rounds: 6/6 kb clean + press 10 plank p...

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2.3.20. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP 3 Rounds/:30 Ea: bridges side plank – R side plank – L fixed band to rig – hip hinges -then- 3...

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1.31.20. Renegade – Strength

CORE WARMUP 2 Rounds/1:00 Ea: v-sits supermans legs drops MOBILITY :90 childs pose STRENGTH A. Series – 4 Rounds: ...

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1.27.20. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP 2 Rounds Booty Band: 15/15 mini band clamshells 15/15 mini band prone glute ext. 15 min band air squats 15/15 me...

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1.24.20. Renegade – Strength

Chipper Warm-up 10 HR pushups 5/5 act. sampson 5/5 side plank w. leg raise 10 total side lunges 5 groiners 5/5 plank w. ...

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1.23.20. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Line Drills & Activation 2,1,4 1 30″ Komodo dragon 1 10ea 1,2,3 1 30″ Open the g...

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1.20.20. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP 2 Rounds: :30 glute bridge :30 bird dogs :30 air squat + calf raises MOBILITY 1:00/1:00 pigeon pose :90 tactical...

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1.17.20. Renegade – Strength

ACTIVATION WARM UP EMOM x 9 Minutes: M1 – 10 down dog push-ups M2 – 15 (90*/90*) db elbow rotation M3 –...

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1.13.20. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP 5 Minutes Member Choice – SMR -then- 2 Rounds Booty Bands: 2L mini band lateral walking 15 banded floor br...

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