7.5.19. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP (21 min) 3 Rounds Big Block Run 12 HR Push Ups 9 Sit Ups 6 Pull Ups –then- :90 Childs Pose :30/30 Lateral Leg ...

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7.1.19. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP 5,000 Singles Challenge – Day 1: perform 200 singles -then- 5 Minutes Coaches Choice General Mobility STRE...

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6.28.19. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP :90/90 SMR IT Band 2L lateral walking IT Band stretch 2L traveling air squats 2L active sampson STRENGTH *perfor...

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6.24.19. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP 2 Rounds: 2L lateral band walking 10/10 SL glute bridge 10 supermans MOBILITY/FLEXIBILITY 1:00/1:00 calve stretc...

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6.21.19. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP 7 Minutes Of: 2L empty sled push 2L SA KB farmer carry (1L/1R) 5 negative push ups (4-2-1) MOBILITY/FLEXIBILITY ...

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6.17.19. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP 3 Lot Runs: 1st – slow, 2nd – fasters, 3rd – fastest -then- 17 burpees MOBILITY/FLEXIBILITY 1:...

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6.14.19. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP SMR 1:00 Ea calves 1:00 Ea adductors 1:00 T-spine 1:00 Childs Pose STRENGTH A. Series – 4 Rounds: 6 bent-o...

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6.10.19. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP 1 Big Block Run -then- 5/5 each direction (per side) – fire hydrants 10 roll back to v-reach 10/10 wide st...

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6.7.19. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP 7 Burpees + 1:00 slow row + 1L bear crawl + 1L crab walk 1:00 medium row + 1L act. sampson + 1L active spiderman...

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6.3.19. Renegade – Strength

*Explain the 50 Burpee Challenge (add 1 rep every day starting with 1 rep…do them at home)  *Perform 3 burpees WARM U...

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