3.26.18. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP (23 min) 10 Rounds (2 groups – 1st group goes, then 2nd) killers – 3 cones 5 HR Push UPs 5 Plate Acc...

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3.23.18. Renegade – Strength

*COACHES NOTE: Start workout on time as this workout may run a few minutes longer. Keep class tight for conditioning and...

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3.19.18. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP (16 min) 2 Rounds of: junkyard dogs (10 + 10) 10 ea partner ab toss 20 supermans *Coaches note: junkyard dogs &#...

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3.16.18. Renegade – Strength

WHO SAID THE WORKOUTS ARE TOO EASY?!?!?   WARM UP (16 min) 2 Rounds of 1:00 minute work/:20 rest 1:00 singles 1:00 ladd...

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3.12.18. Renegade – Strength

Warm Up (20 min) 4 Rounds Of: 60s singles 60s sit ups 60s jog, back peddle, side shuffle (all 1 length) 60s wall sits St...

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3.9.18. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP (18-21 min) 3 lengths high knees + 45 sec wall sit + 30 sec glute bridge 3 lengths butt kicks + 45 sec plank + 3...

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3.5.18. Renegade – Strength

Warm Up (20-25 min) 2 Rounds of :20s roll back – v – reach fire hydrants (L/R) wide step mountain climbers d...

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3.2.18. Renegade – Strength

WARM UP (16 min) 7 Rounds of :30 goes row ghb sit-ups down dog push-ups -then- :45s pvc pass through :45s pvc OHS STRENG...

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2.23.18. Renegade – Strength

Warm Up easy ladder shuttle + walking quad + walking knee to chest + soldier kicks medium ladder shuttle + walking side ...

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2.19.18. Renegade – Strength

Warm Up 90s/90s SMR – adductors 90s/90s SMR – calves 90s – Tactical frog 60s/60s – Wall soles st...

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