1.5.18. Renegade – Strength

Warm Up (13-15 minutes) 4 Minutes Of: 1 length lunge w. knee grab, side shuffle – 1 length each direction -then- 3...

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12.29.17. Renegade – Strength

Warm Up: (12-14 Min) x4 1/2 length inch worm 1/2 length forward groiners 1/2 length rev. groiners 1/2 length crab walk +...

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12.18.17. Renegade – Strength

Warm Up Ladder drills x 4 EA High Knees Lateral High Knees (2/2) Ickey Shuffle 100 singles 10 push ups 10 KGSU Ladder dr...

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12.15.17. Renegade – Strength

Warm Up *alternate jogging with mobility jog 3 lengths mobility – walking quad stretch & reach, walking hamstr...

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12.11.17. Renegade Strength

Warm Up a. active stretching *rotate between 20 seconds of jogging/20 seconds of jump rope with a stretch Active sampson...

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12.8.17. Renegade – Strength

Warm Up x2 Down/Back Turf Lateral Lunges 8/8 Prone Russian Twists 20 Jumping Jacks 10/10 SL RDL 8/8 Active Sampson 10 Gr...

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12.4.17. Renegade – Strength

Mobility LAX Lats (90s/90s) Banded Chest Stretch (90s/90s) Tabata x 4 ea. Jumping jacks + Neg Push ups (4-1-1) Mnt. clim...

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12.1.17. Renegade – Strength

Warm Up: 20:10 x 3 stork stance hold(right) + KGSU-roll over-superman-roll back and repeat + stork stance hold(left) res...

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11.27.17. Renegade – Strength

Warm up 3 Rounds 5 down dog push ups 2 lengths – kb walking good mornings (short lengths) 5 walk out plank & r...

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11.20.17. Renegade – Strength

Warm Up: x2 High knees + 10 air squat-calf raise + 10 kgsu x2 Butt kicks + 10 down dog push ups + 10 leg drops x2 Karoka...

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