11.13.17. Renegade – Strength

Warmup Mobility bar: 8/8 lateral flexion stretch 15 sumo squat + press (on way down) 15 good mornings 20 pass throughs 8...

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11.10.17. Renegade – Strength

Warm Up – 6 Min of: 1 length forward lunge – to – high knee grab 1 length reverse lunge 1 length jog 1...

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11.3.17. Renegade – Strength

Hip Mobility 10/10 Fire Hydrants 15 Roll back to v-reach 10/10 wide step mountain climbers 1 turf length forward groiner...

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10.30.17 Renegade – Strength

Warm Up General Mobility – coaches choice Line Drills 20w:40R 1|2 3|4 1-2 + 4 Lengths (width) shuttle runs 1-3 + 4...

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10.23.17 Renegade – Strength

“NO CLOCK MONDAY” Warm Up: 5 Minutes of Walking Hip/Leg Mobility – Coaches choice Activation (x2): Boo...

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10.20.17 Renegade – Strength

Warm Up: Ladder Drill (x4)                          Line Drill (20s)                  Activation (...

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10.13.17 Renegade Strength

Warm Up 5 Min of: Walk 1 length turf, Jog 1 length turf, Run 1 length turf, 10 KGSU Mobility 10/10 T-Spine Floor Trace 6...

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